
17 12, 2019

Christmas Camp on Dec 29th.

By |December 17th, 2019|Event, Feature, General, News|Comments Off on Christmas Camp on Dec 29th.

12 11, 2019


By |November 12th, 2019|Event, Feature, General, News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on MBAC 2020 SEASON — DEC 15TH MARK ON YOUR CALENDERS

MBAC 2020 season Hi MBAC Parents The season will be upon us in no time and as I write this message, it is snowing in the valley bottom. The club is now moving in a positive direction since the re-opening of Baldy Mountain Resort in 2017, and has actually met a fork in the road.  [...]

21 02, 2019


By |February 21st, 2019|Event, Feature, General, News|Comments Off on MORE FLAKE NEWS

MBAC FLAKE NEWS Well, we are a getting closer to the zone finals on March 2nd and 3rd, but before we get there, we have a practice race day this Sunday.  The kids will be excited to race their parents on the Tennings this Sunday, our MBAC Family Fun Race Day.  It is a good [...]

4 01, 2019

Let the 2019 ski and board season begin

By |January 4th, 2019|Event, Feature, General, News|Comments Off on Let the 2019 ski and board season begin

Hi MBAC Parents Happy New Year!   We had a great turn out for the Christmas Camp, and the snow conditions are now improving at Baldy.  It was exciting to see snowboarders attend the camp and also join the club in the new snowboard program.  This year Josh Shulman is coaching the boarders,  and we welcome [...]