Hello MBAC Parents

We have a important event to host this Sunday Jan 26th.  Time for our club and the mountain to shine in the spot light one more time.  Even though this is a South Okanagan Zone event, two clubs will be attending from the North Zone (Sun Peaks and Silver Star).  Other clubs will be Apex and Big White in our zone.

If you haven’t signed up for a volunteer position yet, please contact me by email and I have a position for you.  We are known not just for putting on a great race but also supplying the worlds best cup cakes, contact chief of cup cakes Joanne Sparrow so that she knows how many in total we will have, email contact (joaverage70gmail.com).   

Also, if anyone has door prizes for the awards to donate to the ski racers, please let me know.  Last year we did swag bags for each club, I am in the process of collecting prizes from Fresh Air Experience and Stay Tuned Sports.  Any fun item to put into the bags are great.

Thank You Ahead of Time

Paul Rauhala

